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Turks have 3 problems...


Yeni Üye
Jan 9, 2020
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An Italian man walks into a nightclub wearing a shirt that says "Turks have 3 problems".

A turkish man approaches him and asks: "What the f*** is your shirt suppposed to mean?""

The Italian says: "See, that is your first problem. You turks are way too curious"

The Turkish man walks away and comes back later with a friend and threatens the Italian.

The Italian says: "See, that is your second problem. You turks are way too agressive."

The two men walk away and when at the end of the evening the Italian leaves the nightclub, the Turkish man is waiting outside with 5 friends. They all have their knives out.

The Italian says: "See that is your third problem."

"You brought knives to a gunfight"
Hello, I wish you would have understood how wrong it was if you had researched the Turks before writing this article.

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