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  • Our site is a Webmaster forum and discussion platform. Topics outside the webmaster forum are prohibited and will be deleted immediately.

Style WGrid

it still didn't improve anything
Hello, the only working version of this mod is [cv6] Node Icon 1.2.1, I do not use it. If you read the subject of the mod, you will understand that this does not work anymore.
Remove the mod from your site and use these codes

/*****node icon fontawesome changer per FORUM node*****/

.node.node--id37.node--forum.node--read .node-icon i:before {
.node.node--id37.node--forum.node--unread .node-icon i:before {
    font-weight: 900;


Replace id37 here with your own id
If you can't do it, send me your information privately and I will do it.
Hello, the only working version of this mod is [cv6] Node Icon 1.2.1, I do not use it. If you read the subject of the mod, you will understand that this does not work anymore.
Remove the mod from your site and use these codes

/*****node icon fontawesome changer per FORUM node*****/

.node.node--id37.node--forum.node--read .node-icon i:before {
.node.node--id37.node--forum.node--unread .node-icon i:before {
    font-weight: 900;


Replace id37 here with your own id
If you can't do it, send me your information privately and I will do it.
oh thanks, it works!

and tell me how to get the effect like in the selected graphic. I will be grateful

Hello, a design for this site is in the testing phase.
Hello!, i love the theme besides the footer. Is there anyway i can just remove the box thing and have it either be just generic on the bottom, or like smaller (im not walking about the branding, im talking about the big box)
Hello!, i love the theme besides the footer. Is there anyway i can just remove the box thing and have it either be just generic on the bottom, or like smaller (im not walking about the branding, im talking about the big box)
Hello, yes, this may be possible, I will try to do this in a new update.
Hello!, i love the theme besides the footer. Is there anyway i can just remove the box thing and have it either be just generic on the bottom, or like smaller (im not walking about the branding, im talking about the big box)
Hello, I made such an arrangement. Is it suitable for you?


  • screencapture-localhost-test-index-php-2024-07-18-09_11_58.webp
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  • screenshot-localhost-2024_07_18-09_03_42.webp
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  • screencapture-localhost-test-index-php-2024-07-18-09_02_45.webp
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