pdf eklentisini google indexlemesi

ronay ayk

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26 Haz 2019
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Merhabalar sorum şu aşağıdaki gibi bir xenforo 2.1 frum siteme eklenti kurucam pdf forumumda açıp okunabileceği , sorum şu bu pdf in içeriğini google indexler mi ? konu nasıl gözükür google pdf olarak mı ?

Merhaba admin paneli link ayarları olması gerek Türkçesi sanirim oradan nofollow olarak ayarlayın.
Orhan usta aslında amaç pdf bir kitap vb  uzun bir yazı oluşturucaz bunu forumda indirmeden göstermek istiyoruz içeriğin google indexlemesini istiyoruz dediğiniz gibi eklentiyi kurucam bakarım teşekkürler başka öneriniz var mı ?
ronay ayk' Alıntı:
Orhan usta aslında amaç pdf bir kitap vb  uzun bir yazı oluşturucaz bunu forumda indirmeden göstermek istiyoruz içeriğin google indexlemesini istiyoruz dediğiniz gibi eklentiyi kurucam bakarım teşekkürler başka öneriniz var mı ?

Merhaba san irim ben yanlaş anladım sakin nofllov yapmayın indeklemez tavsiyem pdf yerine kendi wiki onlinenizi yapın daha işlevsel olur örnek https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Main_Page
ama xenforo mod olarak yapmayı düşünüyorum smf komple geride bıraktım
ronay ayk' Alıntı:
ama xenforo mod olarak yapmayı düşünüyorum smf komple geride bıraktım

Merhaba smf için söylemedim aynisini xenforo için yapabilirsiniz internete çok sayida kaynak var araştirin.
If you're interested in understanding how Google indexes PDF files on a website, or if you're looking for a PDF plugin to enhance indexing or user experience, here are some key points to consider:

  1. PDF Indexing by Google:
    • Googlebot, Google's web crawling bot, is capable of indexing PDF files. However, it's important to note that not all PDFs are automatically indexed.
    • To increase the likelihood of your PDFs being indexed, ensure they are text-based, searchable, and contain meaningful content. Image-only PDFs may not be indexed as effectively.
  2. Text Optimization in PDFs:
    • Use searchable text in PDFs rather than relying solely on images. Googlebot can extract and understand text content, helping improve the chances of your PDFs being indexed and ranked.
  3. PDF File Structure:
    • Organize your PDFs with clear headings, subheadings, and a logical structure. This not only improves user experience but also helps search engines understand the content hierarchy.
  4. Metadata Optimization:
    • Optimize the metadata of your PDF files, including the title, author, and description. This information can contribute to better indexing and presentation in search results.
  5. Sitemaps Inclusion:
    • Include PDF URLs in your website's XML sitemap. This makes it easier for search engines to discover and index your PDF files.
  6. Responsive Design:
    • Ensure that your PDFs are mobile-friendly and have a responsive design. Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor.
  7. PDF Plugins for WordPress and CMS:
    • If you're using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, there are plugins available that can enhance the indexing and display of PDFs. Examples include plugins that allow embedding PDFs, optimizing metadata, and improving user experience.
  8. PDF Viewer Plugins:
    • Consider using PDF viewer plugins that provide a user-friendly experience for viewing PDFs directly on your website. This can enhance engagement and potentially improve how search engines perceive the content.
  9. Quality Backlinks to PDFs:
    • Just like with other web content, quality backlinks to your PDFs can positively impact their visibility in search results. Encourage natural link-building to your PDFs through relevant and authoritative sources.
  10. Regularly Update Content:
    • Regularly update and revise the content in your PDFs. Frequent updates signal to search engines that the content is current and relevant, potentially improving its ranking.
Remember that while Google can index PDFs, the principles of good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) apply. Creating high-quality, relevant, and user-friendly content, combined with proper optimization techniques, will contribute to better visibility in search engine results.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
It seems like you're asking about indexing a PDF file on Google. To ensure that a PDF file is indexed by Google, you can follow these general steps:
  1. Upload PDF to a Website
  2. Create a Sitemap
  3. Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console
  4. Ensure Accessibility
  5. Optimize PDF Metadata
  6. Use Descriptive Filename
  7. Link to the PDF
  8. Optimize PDF Content:
  9. Promote PDF on Social Media
  10. Patience
Remember that these are general guidelines, and the specifics might vary based on your website platform and content management system. If you encounter issues, consulting Google's official documentation or seeking assistance from web development professionals can be beneficial.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:

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