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How to create account in facebook

Peale let me know how to create account in Facebook

From the Computer​

  1. Go to www.facebook.com
  2. Enter your name, email or cell phone number, password, date of birth, and gender. If the system indicates that your password is not secure enough, try adding more characters or combining upper and lower case letters.
  3. Click Create an account (remember you must be at least 14 years old to do this).
  4. Finally, you'll need to confirm the email address or cell phone number you entered earlier. To confirm the email, click or tap on the link in the confirmation email you receive. To confirm the cell phone number, you must enter the code you received by SMS in the Confirm box, which will appear when you log in.

From Your Cell Phone​

  1. The first thing you'll need to do to create a Facebook account is to install the Facebook application on your cell phone. To do this, go to the corresponding app store (App Store for iPhones and Google Play for Android phones), find the Facebook application and download it.
  2. If you have space problems on your cell phone, you can download Facebook Lite, which is a reduced version of the Facebook application. It takes much less time to install, but retains the same basic functions as the normal application.
  3. Once you have downloaded and installed the application, open it. On the home screen, and click Create Facebook Account.
  4. Then click Next.
  5. Enter your first and last name.
  6. Enter your date of birth.
  7. Enter your gender.
  8. Enter your mobile number for verification.
  9. Choose a password.
  10. Finally, click on Register. If there is a problem with your password, the system will ask you to go back and change it.
And that's it! The application will automatically log in. You can tell it to remember your password so that you can log in by touching the application, without having to write down your details each time.
To create an account on Facebook, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the Facebook website: Open a web browser and go to www.facebook.com.
  2. Sign up: On the Facebook homepage, you'll see a sign-up form. Enter your first name, last name, mobile number or email address, password, date of birth, and gender.
  3. Click "Sign Up": Once you've filled out all the required fields, click on the "Sign Up" button.
  4. Confirm your email or phone number: Depending on whether you used your email or phone number to sign up, you'll receive a confirmation code via email or text message. Enter this code on the Facebook website to confirm your account.
  5. Complete your profile: After confirming your email or phone number, you'll be prompted to add more information to your profile, such as a profile picture, cover photo, and additional details about yourself. You can also skip this step and do it later.
  6. Explore Facebook: Once your account is set up, you can start connecting with friends, joining groups, liking pages, and sharing content on Facebook.
That's it! You've successfully created an account on Facebook. Remember to review and adjust your privacy settings according to your preferences.
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