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Börü [SMF 2.0 - Responsive Theme]

okay add attachments to the theme folder
Thank you. The new files work great.

I have a question. I want the icons, shown below, to still show if the screen is less than 480px. I was able to do it for less than 640px but I can't find where to edit it for less than 480px. Can you help me?


I want my users to know when a forum has new posts, but there is no way to tell when the screen is less than 480px.
hello code this

.hidden, .icon, .stats, #posting_icons, #mlist th, .icon1, .icon2
		display: none;

3 questions

1. How do I change member group colors inside of a post?

2. My profile online button is broken how do I fix that? https://imgur.com/a/kAWVpBq

3. How do I change the link logo image? When I link my website it shows the boru image. https://imgur.com/a/R5RRjEo

My website www.knightsoftheoldcode.com
hipp0 said:
3 questions

1. How do I change member group colors inside of a post?

2. My profile online button is broken how do I fix that? https://imgur.com/a/kAWVpBq

3. How do I change the link logo image? When I link my website it shows the boru image. https://imgur.com/a/R5RRjEo

My website www.knightsoftheoldcode.com

Okay I fixed the online button, i just kept reuploading it and it finally fixed itself.

I changed all the logos in /images and it still shows the boru logo when i link people on facebook or instagram. Is there away to change that? I changed the smflogo.png to a -K- its displayed on my website now.

I have the following problem, it turns out that the topic has something which does not show the image of useron.gif that show all the topics, in what way is this fixed?


With the default theme if it appears
Jutes said:
I have the following problem, it turns out that the topic has something which does not show the image of useron.gif that show all the topics, in what way is this fixed?


With the default theme if it appears

Browse the official picture folder
I love this theme, but that flash of white when it's changing going from one page to the other is blinding. How do I change that?
hello it was made for google late index find and delete this code at index.template.php

find and delete
<div id="global-loader">
I have another question. How do you remove the side panel, ie: users online and messages, from the forum page?
Cereza said:
I have another question. How do you remove the side panel, ie: users online and messages, from the forum page?
Hallo Es ist möglich, das gewünschte Thema neu zu codieren?
Umm Ok your page wouldn't translate what you posted but I'm going to guess you want me to reword it lol. If I'm wrong.. let me know.

but on the attached image, just wondering if there is a way to remove the part that is circled.

accidentally written in german ;D

Use the attached file as a backup.
No worries. It happens.  lol

And Thank you. I'm not home, but will download it when I get home.

First, thanks for this really nice theme.

I'm facing a trouble with Simple Portal.

The left side bar is active even on the forum, which is not the case with other template.

Could you help me to fix it ?

Ok, already fixed, was in the Portal options.

But don't know why it doesn't appear why the standard template even with option set differently.

An other question. Some Menu stay with standard template apparence. Is there a way to change it ?

And other question, is it possible to move down the stats bloc ?

Hello theme if you want the code with block style, use this theme or use the attached BoardIndex.template

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