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Alaturka Themes v1 2.2.13

2 tavsiyede bulunmak isterim. umarım dikkate alınır
1. varsayılan tema rengini admincpden belirleyebilmek. varsayılan beyaz. bunu siyah olarak belirleyebilmek güzel olur.
2. guest message özelliği oturum açmış üyelere bile görünüyor. ya sadece ziyaretçilere görünsün ya da admincpde kimlere(sadece ziyaretçilere, herkese gibi) görüneceği seçilebilmeli
Hello and thanks for the great theme!
I also have a recommendation. I think switching the light and moon icons around would be better.
The light theme should have the moon icon and the dark theme shouldd have the light bulb icon.
Makes more sense!
Hello and thanks for the great theme!
I also have a recommendation. I think switching the light and moon icons around would be better.
The light theme should have the moon icon and the dark theme shouldd have the light bulb icon.
Makes more sense!

Hello, you're right, I'll take this into account in the next version, if you don't want to wait until then.



:root {
  --strdarkbuton: "\f0eb";
  --strdarkbutoncolor: #fefefe;

.nightmode:root {
  --strdarkbuton: "\f186";
  --strdarkbutoncolor: #cb7b0b;
  --strnavbg: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(29,35,51) -100%, rgb(22, 27, 40) 100%);
  --input-border-heavy: #304067;
  --input-border-light: #304067;
  --sayfa_arkacolor: #101B2C;
  --icerikarkaplanrengi: #1B293F;
  --border-top-color: #2b3a5d;
  --border-right-color: #304067;
  --border-bottom-color: #384b78;
  --border-left-color: #304067;
  --color: #f6f6f6;
  --link: #f6f6f6;
  --texcolor: #e9ebed;
  --iccolor: #1a263a;


:root {
  --strdarkbuton: "\f186";
  --strdarkbutoncolor: #fefefe;

.nightmode:root {
  --strdarkbuton: "\f0eb";
  --strdarkbutoncolor: #cb7b0b;
  --strnavbg: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(29,35,51) -100%, rgb(22, 27, 40) 100%);
  --input-border-heavy: #304067;
  --input-border-light: #304067;
  --sayfa_arkacolor: #101B2C;
  --icerikarkaplanrengi: #1B293F;
  --border-top-color: #2b3a5d;
  --border-right-color: #304067;
  --border-bottom-color: #384b78;
  --border-left-color: #304067;
  --color: #f6f6f6;
  --link: #f6f6f6;
  --texcolor: #e9ebed;
  --iccolor: #1a263a;
I am having trouble saving the footer settings with this theme on my host provider, but I can save without issue on a localhost.
I was thinking maybe you know how to fix this before I complain to my hoster and have them change permissions were their not supposed too.

This is the error I am getting when I try to save.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.
I dont know anything about this and how to fix it.

I tried uploading an image of the error but it would'nt allow me.
Son düzenleme:
I am having trouble saving the footer settings with this theme on my host provider, but I can save without issue on a localhost.
I was thinking maybe you know how to fix this before I complain to my hoster and have them change permissions were their not supposed too.

This is the error I am getting when I try to save.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.
I dont know anything about this and how to fix it.

I tried uploading an image of the error but it would'nt allow me.
Are there more details in the browser console? This is in the developer tools of the browser, usually accessible with F12.
For 503 errors you need to contact your host, it is a server issue.
This is what I get.
I also noticed that if I erase the default contents of the footer column 2 text box in the style property footer setings, it will save.

It's the 3 java script links in the footer column 2 text box in style properties thats causing this issue. I erased all 3 java script links and it saves fine!

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
core-compiled.js?_v=a05f76ab:43 PHP: <!DOCTYPE html>
<html style="height:100%">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" />
<title> 403 Forbidden
<body style="color: #444; margin:0;font: normal 14px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height:100%; background-color: #fff;">
<div style="height:auto; min-height:100%; ">     <div style="text-align: center; width:800px; margin-left: -400px; position:absolute; top: 30%; left:50%;">
        <h1 style="margin:0; font-size:150px; line-height:150px; font-weight:bold;">403</h1>
<h2 style="margin-top:20px;font-size: 30px;">Forbidden
<p>Access to this resource on the server is denied!</p>
</div></div><div style="color:#f0f0f0; font-size:12px;margin:auto;padding:0px 30px 0px 30px;position:relative;clear:both;height:100px;margin-top:-101px;background-color:#474747;border-top: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15);box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) inset;">
<br>Proudly powered by  <a style="color:#fff;" href="">LiteSpeed Web Server</a><p>Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a web hosting company and, as such, has no control over content found on this site.</p></div></body></html>
Son düzenleme:
Hocam indirme kısmını bulamadım ama bende mi sorun var acaba :D
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