Add music to Facebook Profile


Yeni Üye
27 Mar 2023
Tepkime puanı
New York
To add music to your Facebook profile, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping on your profile picture in the top left corner.
  3. Tap on the "Edit Profile" button.
  4. Scroll down to the "Music" section and tap on it.
  5. Tap on the "Add Favorite Songs" button.
  6. Search for the song you want to add and select it.
  7. You can add up to 15 songs to your profile by repeating steps 5 and 6.
  8. Tap on the "Save" button to save your changes.
Once you've added your favorite songs, they will be displayed on your profile for your friends to see. They can also click on a song to listen to a preview of it on Facebook. Note that the ability to add music to your profile may not be available in all countries or regions.
Paylaşım için teşekkürler facebook grupları ve düzenli paylaşımlar için iyi olacağını düşünüyorum, güzel fikir.
To add music to your Facebook profile, you can follow these steps:
  1. Open the Facebook app on your Android device.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping on your profile picture or your name.
  3. Tap on the "Edit Profile" option.
  4. Scroll down and look for the "Add to Your Profile" section.
  5. Tap on the "Add Music" option.
  6. You'll be prompted to search for a song or artist. Type in the name of the song or artist you want to add.
  7. Once you find the song you want, tap on it to select it.
  8. You can choose a specific part of the song to feature by adjusting the slider.
  9. Tap on the "Done" button to save your changes.
That's it! Now your Facebook profile should have music added to it. Keep in mind that this feature might not be available in all regions or on all versions of the Facebook app.
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Yasal Uyarı

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