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A tribute to the victims of the Turkey earthquake


Dec 6, 2018
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yas.webpYesterday on 17th February, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey causing 2,921 deaths and 15,834 injuries. Over 6,000 buildings have been destroyed as a result of the disaster. The tragedy has left the country in mourning and in a state of shock.

P.S.: Since the publishing of this article, the number of casualties from the earthquake in Turkey has increased. The latest reports indicate that 12,873. The number of injured is 62,937.
I am in Istanbul, far from the cities affected by the earthquake, and I can only follow the reports of the losses of my people as if it were a fictional movie. The fact that the earthquake occurred during a harsh winter period further complicates the situation for those suddenly left homeless. All I can do is pray and offer small financial support to the best of my ability.

I am not writing this post to extensively express how saddened I am. It would be superficial to do so when there are so many people who have lost loved ones.

However, I do want to share this pain with you and let you see it. I know there will be people reading this from overseas. I want to show how a nation’s ignorance and choices can lead to loss of life.Because the earthquake was not just a natural disaster, but a result of the neglect and inadequate regulations in our society.And as a young citizen in this country, I have lost hope for the future due to the politics and policies that led to such a tragedy.

May we never forget those who have suffered and may their memory live on. Let us continue to pray and offer support to those affected by this tragedy. Together, we can make a difference.

There are various organizations and relief efforts underway to help those affected by the earthquake. By making a donation, volunteering your time or spreading awareness, you can play a crucial role in supporting the recovery and rebuilding efforts in Turkey.

Here are a few organizations that you can support:​

  1. AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency): AFAD is a government-affiliated agency working on disaster response and management in Turkey.
  2. AKUT: AKUT is a well-established rescue and relief organization in Turkey, working tirelessly to assist those affected by the earthquake.
  3. Ahbap: Ahbap is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid and support to those in need, especially during natural disasters like earthquakes.
Your donation to either of these organizations can make a significant impact in their efforts to provide aid and support to those affected by the earthquake in Turkey.

In conclusion, we must stand with the people of Turkey during this difficult time and help in any way we can. Whether it be through financial support, volunteering, or spreading awareness, every little bit can make a difference. Let us come together to help those affected by the earthquake and show them that they are not alone in their time of need.

Yasal Uyarı

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