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ronay ayk said:
Copyright nasıl düzenlerim? Link vermek yazı yazmak istiyorum

index.template.php de
Bu kisimdan yapa bilirsiniz

// Show the footer with copyright, terms and help links.
[member=3]cakal[/member]  Peki orada bu şekilde kod çıkıyor nereye eklememiz gerek direk en altta mı eklemem gerek

// Show the footer with copyright, terms and help links.
  echo '
  <div id="footer">
      <div class="inner_wrap">';

  // There is now a global "Go to top" link at the right.
  echo '
        <li class="floatright"><a href="https://webtiryaki.com/" title="webtiryaki" target="_blank">Webtiryaki</a> |<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=help">', $txt['help'], '</a> ', (!empty($modSettings['requireAgreement'])) ? '| <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=help;sa=rules">' . $txt['terms_and_rules'] . '</a>' : '', ' | <a href="#top_section">', $txt['go_up'], ' &#9650;</a></li>
        <li class="copyright">', theme_copyright(), '</li>

  // Show the load time?
  if ($context['show_load_time'])
      echo '
      <p>', sprintf($txt['page_created_full'], $context['load_time'], $context['load_queries']), '</p>';

  echo '
  </div><!-- #footer -->';


* This shows any deferred JavaScript and closes out the HTML
<li class="copyright">', theme_copyright(), '</li>
<li><a href="https://ronayinyeri.com/" title="ronayinyeri" target="_blank">Ronay</a></li>
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