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Bilgi sahibi olanlarla ihtiyaç duyanları buluşturmak, farklı bakış açılarına sahip insanları bir araya getirerek birbirlerini daha iyi anlamalarını sağlamak ve herkesin bilgisini paylaşmasını sağlamak istiyoruz.

  1. T

    Does Walmart accept Apple Pay?

    Right now, in 2023 Walmart is not accepting. Although Walmart Pay is an option for customers, Apple Pay is not yet available as a payment method at Walmart stores. However, Walmart has indicated that they are open to adding new payment methods in the future. There are several reasons why...
  2. T

    What is the best backlink in your opinion?

    In 2023, what is the best way to get a quality backlink?
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